Tibet Alive

The Journal of the Tibet Society and Tibet Relief Fund of the UK

If you would like to purchase a copy of the Spring 2002 Tibet Alive at a cost of £2.50 online click here.

If you have your own content you would like to submit for the next edition of the Tibet Alive Journal




Aid to Amdo

The Tibet Relief Fund is fundraising to build a school in the neglected Amdo region. Tibet Relief Fund Vice President John Billington explains why

An interview with Samdhong Rinpoche

Alan Clements, Martyn Berkin and Eve Rotstein in dialogue with Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, the political leader of the Tibetan Government in Exile

Two nuns meet H.R.H. Prince Charles

Two Tibetan nuns who had been held in Lhasa’s notorious Drapchi Prison, Chuye Kunsang and Passang Lhamo, met with H.R.H. The Prince of Wales during their visit to London in March.

Butter lamps, mantras, salt tea and tashi delek

Organizer of the forthcoming tour ‘The Power of Compassion’ by monks from Tashi Lhunpo, Jane Rasch went to their monastery in South India for Losar.

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